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Government Information: International and Foreign; General and Reference Works; Law; Political Science
Index provides access to current and retrospective United Nations documents and publications.
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Government Information: International and Foreign; Political Science; Law; General and Reference Works; Economics and Business
Indexes a finite collection of United Nations Development Programme Project Reports issued and held by UN headquarters between the years 1972-1998. Provides access to evaluative, technical and terminal reports (available in full-text on microfiche from NewsBank/Readex) submitted to the UN by numerous participating and executing agencies.
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go.worldbank.org + 3 more sources
African Studies; Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign
African development indicators (Print)
At the Library:
Green » InfoCenter: Statistics Shelves (Non-circulating) » HC800 .A1 A356 ... in-library use only
Green » Stacks » HC800 .A1 A356 ...
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Political Science; Government Information: International and Foreign; Government Information: United States
This database covers international and internal conflicts, as well as terrorism, incl. information on refugees and returnees, internally displaced persons, weapons used and their flows, fatalities, costs, historical backgrounds, and timelines. Users can generate reports, download data, and browse through year-by-year analysis and fact sheets online.
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Government Information: United States; History; Law; Government Information: International and Foreign; Economics and Business; Political Science
Avalon Project from Yale Law School gives access to documents relevant to the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government from ancient times to the present.
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French and Italian Studies; Government Information: International and Foreign
A digital library of more than 7000 reports commissioned by the French government on diverse subjects - cultural, political, social, and governmental. Each report is available as a downloadable PDF.
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Government Information: United States; Government Information: International and Foreign; Political Science; American History
CABLESEARCH is an attempt for an user friendly search engine of already published documents from Wikileaks. It is aimed at reporters and an initiative of the soon to be launched European Centre of Computer Assisted Research endorsed by VVOJ.
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Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign; Statistical and Numeric Data
Presents links to data or bibliographic records for data compiled by or sponsored by the ILO, along with data from national statistical agencies and other sources.
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Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign; East Asia Studies
Comprehensive database Web site focusing on economic statistics of China, arranged by regions and categories. Includes monthly and yearly reports on China's macroeconomic development, statistical databases about China's population and economy at the county and city level, and financial indicators of more than 568 industrial branches. Also includes statistical yearbooks, census data, industrial and marketing surveys, and an atlas of China.
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Physics and Astronomy; Government Information: International and Foreign
This is a collection of Intergovernmental and Non-governmental Organizations (IGOs and NGOs) that focus the environmental policy of climate change and global warming. Part of the web archiving project at Stanford University (https://www.archive-it.org/home/SSRG).
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American History; British and Commonwealth History; Government Information: International and Foreign
Colonial State Papers provides access to thousands of papers concerning English activities in the American, Canadian, and West Indian colonies between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. Colonial State Papers integrates two important research tools as one service: Collection CO 1 from The National Archives (full name: Privy Council and related bodies: America and West Indies, Colonial Papers); and Calendar of State Papers, Colonial: North America and the West Indies 1574-1739. All of the documents from CO 1 have been reproduced as full-colour, high quality images. Users can limit their searches to records that include scanned documents or can search all documents recorded in the Calendar.
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African Studies; British and Commonwealth History; Government Information: International and Foreign
"The Confidential Print series, issued by the Foreign and Colonial Offices since around 1820, is...one of the most important series produced by the British Government....Spanning the full era of the modern European colonisation of Africa, from the occupation of Algeria by France, through increasing British presence on the west African coast and around the Cape of Good Hope in the south, the Berlin Conference which set off the 'Scramble for Africa', the high-water mark of economic exploitation of Africans in the Congo Free State, rivalries amongst European powers and the era of withdrawal that followed the Second World War, Confidential Print: Africa is a fundamental resource for academics, students and researchers studying modern Africa and its recent history. The resource also features 300 colour maps"--Introduction.
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British and Commonwealth History; Government Information: International and Foreign; Islam and the Middle East; Jewish Studies; Religious Studies
The collection covers Middle Eastern history from 1812-1958; countries included are: Afghanistan, Egypt, Sudan, Persia, Suez Canal, Turkey, Jordan, Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and Syria. The series originated out of a need for the British Government to preserve all of the most important papers generated by the Foreign and Colonial Offices. Some of these were one page letters or telegrams -- others were large volumes or texts of treaties. All items marked 'Confidential Print' were circulated to leading officials in the Foreign Office, to the Cabinet, and to heads of British missions abroad.
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Islam and the Middle East; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); African Studies; Political Science; Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies; East Asia Studies; Religious Studies
This resource is a part of the larger IMF website. It contains IMF reports, including the IMF country reports series, and publications arranged alphabetically by country. Includes: annual meetings speeches; Article IV staff reports; heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) documents; joint staff assessments; joint staff advisory notes; International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) statements; letters of intent; news briefs; policy framework papers; poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSP); press releases; public information notices (PIN); staff papers; transcripts; surveys; and other publications.
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Corporate Author:
International Monetary Fund.
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History; Geography; Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business; Language; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies; Government Information: International and Foreign
Provides up-to-date information and news on 192 countries of the world. Includes political, economic, and business information for its clients in the form of Country Reviews and the Country Wire. Country Reviews provides a political and economic survey for each of the 192 countries. Country Wire provides online information updates from ten international news organizations; CountryWatch staff provides periodic data updates on the latest political, economic, corporate and environmental topics for individual countries. Country Bazaar provides sales information for a selection of country-specific books and music from around the world.
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Law; Government Information: International and Foreign; Statistical and Numeric Data
"The Database of conditions of work and employment laws contains comprehensive legal information from countries around the world. It covers legislation on maternity protection, minimum wages and working time. You can conduct customized research on a specific country of compare the legislation of several countries on a particular subject."
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Government Information: International and Foreign; Statistical and Numeric Data; French and Italian Studies; Law
The Government of France's Open Data platform. Access over 350,000 datasets from over 90 producers, on topics such as agriculture, climate, culture, defense, demographics, education, environment, government finance, transit, and urban development. Datasets are available in a variety of formats, primarily .csv and .xls. Time periods vary depending on the data. Note: website is in French; Chrome browser translates the site fairly well.
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Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign
An analytical database of worldwide economic indicators and forecasts which covers 115 countries and gives access to 271 economic series and more than 750,000 individual data points. With tools for segmentation, mapping, concentration ranking, and distribution of selected data.
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Sociology; Environmental Studies; Statistical and Numeric Data; Government Information: International and Foreign; Earth Sciences
Search database:
Environmental Studies; Earth Sciences; Statistical and Numeric Data; Government Information: International and Foreign
The Environmental Data Explorer is the authoritative source for data sets used by UNEP and its partners in the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) report and other integrated environment assessments. Its online database holds more than 500 different variables, as national, subregional, regional and global statistics or as geospatial data sets (maps), covering themes like Freshwater, Population, Forests, Emissions, Climate, Disasters, Health and GDP. Display them on-the-fly as maps, graphs, data tables or download the data in different formats.
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